Freedom Portfolio – An Absolute Genius Portfolio

The Retirement Income Portfolio is specifically designed for individuals who are retired or on the verge of retirement. This portfolio aims to accomplish two primary objectives: safeguarding the capital and providing a steady, inflation-adjusted income stream to maintain financial security throughout retirement.
Here’s an overview of this portfolio strategy

Investor Profile


This portfolio is tailored for individuals who have retired or are nearing retirement age. In this portfolio, we prioritize capital preservation and consistent income to support their lifestyle in retirement.

Income Focused

The focus is on generating a regular income stream rather than seeking high-risk, high-return investments.

Inflation Concerns

As retirees anticipate a potentially long retirement period, they should be concerned about the eroding effects of inflation on their purchasing power. Inflation adjusted income in the solution. This portfolio addresses this concern.

Key Characteristics

Capital Preservation

The primary emphasis is on protecting the principal investment to ensure that the investor should not outlive his portfolio and the withdrawals should last throughout retirement. Risk management is paramount.

Income Generation

Investments are chosen with a focus on generating regular income. This may involve dividends from stocks, interest from bonds, or other income-producing assets. The best solution is to create an Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWP) from mutual funds. We specialise creating this sorts of portfolio.

Inflation-Adjusted Withdrawals

The portfolio is structured to allow retirees to withdraw a certain amount annually while adjusting for inflation. This helps maintain the real purchasing power of income over time.

Asset Classes in a Retirement Income Portfolio

Dynamic Asset Allocation and Multi Asset Funds

Mutual funds falling under these categories would be the best solution for a Retirement Portfolio. These funds based on various factors would keep switching the investment amongst equity, debt and gold (as major asset classes). This strategy would help to generate alpha over inflation with protecting the downside risk on the portfolio. This will ensure not only inflation adjusted withdrawals but also increase in capital during retirement which also eradicate the risk of outliving the portfolio.

Dividend-Paying Stocks

High-quality, dividend-paying stocks are included to provide a reliable income stream. These stocks are typically from established companies with a history of consistent dividends.


Conservative bond investments, such as government bonds or high-quality corporate bonds, provide stability and income. Some retirees may also consider inflation-protected bonds (TIPS) to guard against inflation.
The key is to have most of the portfolio in financial Assets which gives complete flexibility during retirement.

Risk Management


Diversifying across various asset classes helps reduce risk and enhance stability. It ensures that not all assets are subject to the same market fluctuations.

Periodic Rebalancing

Regular portfolio rebalancing is important to maintain the desired asset allocation and align it with the retiree’s income needs and risk tolerance.

Emergency Fund

Maintaining an emergency fund in a safe, liquid account is crucial to cover unexpected expenses without tapping into the invested assets.

Inflation-Adjusted Withdrawal Strategy

The inflation-adjusted withdrawal strategy is crucial for this portfolio. It typically involves withdrawing a set percentage of the portfolio’s initial value, adjusted annually for inflation. Common withdrawal rates range from 5% to 6% of the initial portfolio value.


The Retirement Income Portfolio is designed to offer retirees peace of mind by combining capital preservation with a reliable, inflation-adjusted income stream. It prioritizes income generation and risk management to ensure that retirees can enjoy their retirement years without significant financial concerns. Tailoring the portfolio to individual retirement goals and risk tolerance is essential and regular monitoring and adjustments are advisable to adapt to changing financial circumstances.


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