
This is the first step in building the financial portfolio. The aim is to prioritize protecting the investor and their family by acquiring a comprehensive insurance cover. At this stage, before we delve into investment opportunities, we need to ensure that they have a solid financial safety net in place. This can be achieved through various insurance products designed to safeguard their well-being.

  1. Term Plan: A term plan is a fundamental life insurance product that provides financial security to the investor’s family in the unfortunate event of the investor’s untimely demise. It ensures that their loved ones receive a predetermined sum assured, helping them meet their financial needs and maintain their quality of life even in the absence of the investor.
  2. Health Insurance: Health emergencies can be financially draining. A health insurance policy acts as a protective shield, covering medical expenses and hospitalization costs. It allows the investor and their family to access quality healthcare without worrying about the financial burden, ensuring they receive the necessary treatment when needed.
  3. Personal Accident Insurance: Accidents can happen unexpectedly and can have long-lasting consequences. A personal accident insurance policy provides coverage in case of accidental death and disability (permanent or temporary, total or partial), offering financial support to the investor or their family during difficult times.
  4. Motor Insurance: If the investor owns vehicles, having motor insurance is essential. It provides coverage against damages to the vehicle due to accidents, theft, or natural disasters. Additionally, it protects against legal liabilities arising from third-party injuries or property damage caused by the vehicle.
  5. Property Insurance: For investors who own properties, be it their home or other real estate assets, property insurance is crucial. It safeguards against losses caused by events like fire, burglary, or natural disasters, ensuring that their investment is protected from unforeseen risks.

By ensuring the investor is well-insured with the appropriate policies, we can provide them with peace of mind and financial security. This approach of “Guards On!” before investment signifies that we are committed to protecting their interests and securing their family’s future before venturing into the world of investments. Once this vital foundation is in place, we can proceed to explore suitable investment strategies and opportunities to grow and diversify their wealth effectively.

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