Privacy Policy

WealthX Capital works as a brand under Allegiance Global IMF Pvt Ltd (Company). The company is in distribution of various financial products including but not limited to mutual funds, direct stocks, PMS, AIF and Insurance.

For distributing these products we have to integrate with third party distributors / brokers.

  1. Mutual Fund
    a. BSE Star MF :
    b. Redvision Technologies:
    c. Asset Management companies : various – registered with SEBI
  2. Stock broking
  3. Insurance 
    a. NJ Insurance Brokers :
    b. Insurance Companies : Various – Registered with IRDA
  4. PMS 
    Various asset management companies Registered with SEBI

  5. Various asset management companies Registered with SEBI

Your private information gets shared with any or all of the intermediaries mentioned above registered with regulators for getting quotations or distribution of various financial products.

Your private information gets shared with any or all of the intermediaries mentioned above registered with regulators for getting quotations or distribution of various financial products.

We may use your data:
  • Respond to your queries about the services.
  • Send communications relevant to your use of the services.
  • Offer you products or services that we believe may be of interest to you.
  • Tailor your experience on the platform by providing you with content that we think you might be interested in and to display content according to your preferences.
  • To send you promotional material, however, we will provide you with the ability to opt out of receiving such emails from us. If you opt out, the company may still send you non-promotional emails, such as emails about the services, your account on the platform, and information on the use of the platform.
  • Ensure security on the platform and detect any errors, fraud, or other criminal or otherwise prohibited activity on the platform.
  • Aggregate the anonymized information from registered users to perform market research, project planning, product development, troubleshoot problems, analyze user behaviour, marketing purposes, and promotions.
  • Identify and use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, resolve such problems, and administer the platform. Your IP address may also be used to help us identify you and gather broad demographic information.
  • Be compliant with the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and other applicable laws.
  • Enforce our terms of use.
  • Use your information to verify your identity in the event you contact us for assistance with our services. We use cloud-based software tools to perform certain business-related functions. Examples of such functions include maintaining databases and servers, processing text messages, phone calls, chats, emails, marketing, and sales analytics.

Disclosure of Information

Except as provided in this Policy, Company will not transfer, sell or rent Personal Information collected to anyone, for any reason, at any time. Company shall also ensure reasonable care and prevention of any unauthorised disclosure of Your sensitive Personal Information. Company will share Your information with judicial, administrative and regulatory entities to comply with any legal and regulatory requirements under applicable laws.

Retention of Personal Information

Company will keep Your Personal Information as long it is required for the purpose for which it has been collected including to make available the Platform and provide Our Services or for other legitimate purposes, such as complying with legal obligations, enforcing and preventing violations of our Terms of Use, or protecting or defending our rights, property and users. The storage periods are determined on a case-by-case basis that depends on factors like the nature of the information, why it is collected and processed, relevant legal or operational retention needs, and legal obligations. Company will make sure to delete any Personal Information collected and stored by it once the purpose has been fulfilled or the Personal Information is no longer needed by the company.


Company may collect and/or store Personal Information of persons under the age of 18 years ( “Minors” ) that their parent or guardian under applicable laws, provide on the Platform to avail the Services. While providing Personal Information of the any Minor, the parent or guardian under applicable law, gives consent to the company, to store / use such Personal Information of Minors as per the Policy.


In the event that Your Personal Information is deleted from Our servers due to application of law, withdrawal of Your consent or due to any other reason, You agree that You will not access any or all Our Platforms or Services.

Consent Withdrawal

If You wish to withdraw Your consent given under this Policy for collection and use of any Personal Information, You can withdraw Your consent by sending Us an email at

Grievance Officer
In accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and rules made there under, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below: Ms. Supriya Roy Email:
The policy is updated on September 8, 2023 We assume no liability for any disclosure of information due to errors in transmission, unauthorized third-party access to Our Platform and data bases or other acts of third-parties, or acts or omissions beyond Our reasonable control and You shall not be entitled to hold the company responsible for any breach of security. In the event the company becomes aware of any security breach, it will notify You as soon as possible and take appropriate action to the best of its ability to remedy such a breach.
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